Tamheer Program

Tamheer Program


The Tamheer program is an on-the-job training program for Saudi graduates. Tamheer aims at training Saudi graduate holders at government institutions, international organizations and outstanding companies in order for them to gain experience and skills to prepare them for full time employment. The Tamheer program is intended for graduates who have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or PhD and that have not been employed during the last six months.

The graduates will be provided financial support of 3000 SAR per month during the three to six months long period of training.

In addition to the monthly program incentive, HRDF will also provide occupational hazard insurance for the duration of the program.

How to Apply:

You can visit TAQAT Portal for all the information. Or apply through our portal by click here 

Terms and Conditions:

1.      Should be a Saudi national.

2.      Should have a bachelor, master or PhD degree.

3.      GOSI and MCS records indicate that the applicate has not registered for any job during the past six months

4.      Should not be currently employed.

5.      Should not have previously participated in Tamheer.

Tamheer Benefits:

1.      Prepares Saudi graduates with the competencies, skills and expertise required to effectively participate in and contribute to the labor market.

2.      Increases availability of and access to employment opportunities

3.      Trainee to receive an e-Certificate upon successful completion of program

4.      Trainee to receive electronic training brief-case during training period

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